Greater Colombo Wastewater Management Project

Background and Rational of the Project

The Greater Colombo Wastewater Management Project is designed to improve the urban environment and public health for the urban and suburban residents in Colombo through improvements of wastewater management services. The project involves in upgrading the sewerage infrastructures, strengthening institutional and operational capacity and project management and implementation.

Colombo is Sri Lanka economic and administrative center and rapidly developing its urbanized area, expanding to the south (along the coast) and east (inland). The government policy is to achieve Mahinda Chinthana Development goal by assisting the “Water supply and sewerage related infrastructure assets will be created to cater to the long-term and growing demand in the cities through schemes with economic scale.

The current sewerage system in Greater Colombo area serves Local Authority areas of Colombo Municipal Council,Dehiwala Mt LaviniaMunicipal Council and Kollonnawa Urban Council.

RicherdEustace Tickell wrote in February 1923 in his paper on “Colombo Drainage Works in the Minute of Proceedings Vol.216, of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London that the planning of the sewerage system in Colombo Municipal Council area was commenced in 1896 and the construction work was commenced in 1906. Major part of the work was completed by 1925. The sewerage system has been funded by the then government through a loan to the Colombo Municipal Council.

The sewerage systems in Dehiwala, Mt Lavinia MinicipalCouncil and Kolllonnnawa Urban Council areas were built during 1983-1987 based on the Sewerage Master Plan by Howard Humphrey in 1972. Under the same development the sewerage system in Colombo Municipal Council area was partly rehabilitated and expanded. The sewerage from Dehiwala Mt.Lavinia Municipal Council and Kolllonnawa Urban Council areas discharged to the sea though Colombo sewerage system.

The existing public sewerage system in Grater Colombo is old and limited in coverage. The wastewater master plan dated 1972 estimated that 66% of the population of the Colombo capital region was served by on-site facilities, 19% was served by the public sewerage system and 15% had no facilities. The Colombo sewerage system has also suffered from various technical, institutional, managerial and operational problems. Colombo sewerage operation has long been neglected under an adverse institutional environment. Further, financial resources obtained through local taxes and Government subsidies have been insufficient to fund sustainable delivery of wastewater services. In the absence of preventive maintenance or planned replacement, the system has been run

by addressing emergencies as they arise. Assets are not usually invented and accurate databases are lacking.

In this context CMC needs intensive and extensive institutional capacity development support in order to fulfill its mandate of asset management, delivery of efficient and effective services to citizens. In this regard Greater Colombo Wastewater Management project will help CMC in terms of building institutional skills, comprehensive Technical, Financial reforms and developing suitable operational system and processes, so that CMC becomes an efficient and effective wastewater service provider.

Expected benefits of the project

The expected impacts of the project are an:

  • Improved wastewater management services, better urban environment.
  • Better public health including living conditions for residents in the Colombo City and suburbs,
  • Improved marine and inland water quality and water quality in coastal waters due to repairs to the existing sea outfalls
  • Improvement in hygiene and sanitary conditions.

Major Impact and Outcome of the Project

The anticipated outcomes of the project is improved urban environment and public health for urban and suburban residents in Colombo and provide Improved wastewater management services to approximately 838,000 residents within the project area. It is also expected that the project will enhance the environment in Greater Colombo, which is home to 2.5 million residents.

Outputs of the Project

The project comprises three major interrelated areas of interventions.

Component 1: Covers upgrading sewerage infrastructure including

I The Rehabilitation of main sewerage system covering pumping station and pumping mains in Colombo, Kollonnawa and Dehiwala Mt Lavinia Municipalities
II The Rehabilitation of Critical Gravity Sewers with under capacity
III The Rehabilitation of marine out falls
IV The Supply of non-fixed operational equipment

Component 2: Covers institutional strengthening through

I Asset management planning and operationalization;
II Improving operational and monitoring capacity of the municipal service provider;
III Improving environmental regulatory compliance;
IV Increasing beneficiaries awareness;
V Institutionalization of pro-poor sanitation services.

Component 3: Project Management and implementation support

Covers project management and implement and implementation support and a comprehensive capacity building to assist in the attainment of the institutional strengthening and to enhance the capacities of the urban service provider.

Project Financing

The project commenced in April, 2010 and is expected to be completed by December 2014. The total estimated project cost including contingencies is Rs. 12171 million out of which Rs. 10455 million is financed by Asian Development Bank and 1716 million is contributed by Government of Sri Lanka. The project is executed by Ministry of Local Government & Provincial Council and implemented by the Colombo Municipal Council

The project is implemented in accordance with Environmental Safeguards, social Safeguards, Anti-Corruption Measures, Procurement Policy, Financial Management procedures and information Education and Communication Strategy that have agreed between GOSL and Asian Development Bank.

Greater Colombo Water and Wastewater Management Improvement Investment Program

Project Implementing Area

Status of Component 1 - Upgrading Sewerage Infrastructure

The component 1 of the project constitutes 80% of the project funds for rehabilitation of main sewerage system, Rehabilitation of Gravity sewer, Rehabilitation of Sea outfalls, and supply of non-fixed equipment and resettlement activities.

As 90% of the infrastructure is below ground and 100 years old, time taken for investigation work of design work has been increased than as was estimated during the Project Preparatory Technical Assistance period. Large no. of investigation is on-going to ascertain the status to determine the scope of work of bids. There for it has been decided to carry out all necessary investigations work by considering the advantage of fewer problems which would arise at construction stages.

Project implementation was affected in the eight month due to prolonged delay in hiring of Design, supervision and Management Consultant, through international competitive bidding due to complex nature of procurement process. After mobilization of Design, Supervision and Management Consultant, they have carried out filed inspection, investigations and preparation of bid documents during the 18 month design phase.

In spite of the initial delay, project has achieved a substantial progress at present in three main project components. Most of the investigation contracts were completed and some are ongoing. Preparation of bidding document for rehabilitation of sea outfalls including removal of accumulated grit almost completed and commence for preparation of bidding document for CMC pump Station is being continued.

The project has procured 4 nos. Jetting and Vacuum Trucks,Spare parts and accessories worth over Rs.164 Million to Colombo Municipal Council. These 04 jetting machines were given to four Colombo Municipal Council District officers on their operation desires and will be used to clean nearly 260km of sewer in the city including 7000 manholes. These 04 jetting machine helps to clean/unclog sewer lines by removing slit, hard deposits, encrustations etc. in using high pressure water jet.

04 Nos of Jetting and Vacuum Trucks including spare parts and accessories (worth over Rs.164 million) were formally handed over to Colombo Municipal Council by the Project

Cleaning of manhole, removing of Silt form a manhole at Havelock Town Colombo 6.

Prevailing situations of existing sewer lines and pumping stations

Sewer collapse at Galle Road

A corroded sewer pipe, removed from Galle Road during recent collapse which sub-sided the road surface. The economic and social loss due to such failures will be mitigated as Greater Colombo Wastewater Management Project will replace/reline these corroded sewers prioritized through the investigations.

Existing Sewerage Pump House at Bambalapitiya

The sewerage pumping station serving Bambalapitiya catchment is corroded due to sea erosion. This has been built between 1906 and 1920 and needs urgent replacement. This will be replaced under Greater Colombo Wastewater Management Project bringing environmental benefits.

Dumping of garbage into sewer system clogs functioning of sewers

A series of workshops/awareness sessions will be conducted to enhance Public participation on wastewater management. The Dos and Don'ts will be an area to be discussed with sewerage users to improve the user behavior

Carrying out all necessary investigations work

Water Sample collection at Mahawatta canal-Cotta Road Bridge

Project engages high tech mechanism in March 2012 to ascertain the status of Sea disposal pipes to collect information for the rehabilitation work

The image shows the electronic magnetic wave recording live cross sectional measurements of the outfall pipe at a length of 51meters away from the outfall junction box of the Southern Outfall. The interpretation of the image provides the pipe defects, silt deposits etc. At this section around 800mm silt deposits in the bottom of the pipe is reported

Sea disposal pipe at Mutwal is damaged. It is suspected that the pipe laid on the sea bed at about 15m water depth is broken by a ship anchor. The project will obtain the assistance from the Ports Authority to enforce navigation control in the area, after repairing, to prevent such damages in the future

Status of Component 2 : Strengthening Institutional and Operational Capacity

The main outcome of this component is strengthening institutional and operational capacity of the Drainage division of the Colombo Municipal Council by introducing Assets Management, Financial Management, Operational Performance Monitoring, Environmental Regulatory Compliance Monitoring, Customer Services and Community Participation and Public Education.

The services of the Institutional Development Consultant (IDC) are employed in order to support Colombo Municipal Council in implementing institutional changes to ensure sustainability of sewerage operation. The consultant is working as one shared resource pool with the Drainage Division of Colombo Municipal Council in an interconnectivity environment to encompass not only applications for transactions and operations, but also for the administrative and management functions, support organizational communications and coordination.

IDC experts are analyzing the customer complaint Management system, Financial Management System, Asset Management System, Performance Tracking system and Geographical Information system and also developing the technical documentation for procurement.

Status of Component 3: Project Management and Implementation Support

This component will support project management and implementation, including incremental administration and operations associated with Project Management Unit and implementation of the Capacity Development Programme.

The project has allocated sufficient amount of funds to strengthen capacities of the Colombo Municipal Council and Project Management Unit. The capacity development programme will be commenced after making assessment of training needs and training plan as most of capacity development requirements are arisen with the new technology introduced, modern equipment supplied and installed and operation procedures developed and mainstreamed by the project.

Financial progress

The project has been utilized Rs.467 million and reached 4% financial progress and 15% physical progress by the end of the 2nd quarter 2012. Despite prolonged delay in mobilizing the consultant in eight months. Project management unit and Consultants worked hard to initiate arrangement and process to accelerate the implementation of project activities.

Progress of the Projects and Programmer up to 2nd Quarter 2012

No. Name of the project/Activity Total Estimate/Actual Cost Allocation for 2012 Rs.Mn Schedule date of Commencement Schedule date of completion Financial Progress Physical Progress Remarks

Rehabilitation of Main Sewerage System -Pumping Stations, Pumping Mains

New construction of 4 pumping stations in CMC service area Bamabalapitiya; (ii) Wanathamulla; (iii) Maligawatta; (iv) New Fort Full refurbishment of 4 pumping stations in CMC service area

1)St. Jones Market (CS-3)
(ii) Harbour;
(iii) Thimbirigasyaya;
(iv) Borella

Partial refurbishment of 3 pumping stations in CMC service area
i) Slave Islands;
(ii) Polwatta;
(iii) Vyswyke

5600 234.05 2011-05-02 2014-12-01 15% Investigation started 2011-05-02 Invitation for Bids 2012-09-1

Rehabilitation of Gravity Sewers Under capacity

(i) Relaying of 10 km of critical sewers of under capacity

867 114.45 2011-05-02 2014-12-01 20% Investigation started 2011-05-02 Invitation for Bids 2012-09-1
3 Rehabilitation of Marine Outfalls 1465 162.50 2011-06-15 2014-12-01 35% Investigation started 2011-06-15 Invitation for bids 2012-07-25
4 Supply of Sewer Cleaning Equipment 199 199 2010-4-19 2012-06-13 90% 100% This activity is completed
5 Supply of Non - fixed Operational Equipment 208 208 2011-06-14 2012-11-01 45% Preparation bidding document 2011-06-14 Invitation for bids 2012-03-26
6 Equipment for environmental Quality Monitoring 34 10 2011-05-10 2012-12-01 20% Preparation bidding document 2011-05-10 Invitation for bids 2012-09-01
7 Design, Supply, installation, on-site testing, commissioning and training of staff of business support systems for CMC - 130 12 2011-04-10 2013-06-30 10% 30% Preparation bidding document 2011-03-10 Invitation for bids 2012-01-06
8 NGOs for Public Awareness Campaign 61 10 2011-03-10 2013-12-01 40% Preparation for bidding document 2011-03-10 Invitation for bids 2012-08-15
8367 950