Your rates may be paid at Shroff Counter at the Town Hall, any branch of Bank of Ceylon or People's Bank within the City Limit of Colombo except the Town hall Branch.
A 10% Discount will be offered to those who settle their rates for each year before 31st January. Those settling their rates for the quarter before the last date of the first month of each quarter will gain a discount of 5%.
Failure to settle rates on the due date will carry a surcharge of 15% for residential properties and 20% for Business places.
Contact - 2693136/4360847
General - 2691191 322/323/391
01.Collecting Taxes
02.Issuing Licenses
03.Issuing Certificates
04.Collecting Rent
06.Hire of Reception Halls
Contact - 2693162
General - 2691191 318/327
This division is responsible for preparing Annual Accounts using the computerized system to submit to the Auditor General based on the Municipal Council Ordinance & preparing and monitoring the Annual Budget.
Contact - 5669984
General - 2691191-313
The main role of the stores account division is maintaing the stores control accounts. There are sixteen stores functioning under the Colombo Municipal Council. Stores documents are obtained from these stores and being entered to the accounts system. Annually a computerized Bin Card is being processed for the purpose of control of the stores. Finally the details of stock is sent to the Final Accounts.
Contact - 5669710
General - 2691191-309
Municipal Treasure Dept. Computer Division has established in 1980. Now Entire Revenue and Expenditure functions are computerized up to the final accounts. The system facilitates an effective and efficient service to the Rate payers and internal officers for their needs, and enhances the customer relationship.
Contact - 0112 082 874
General - 2691191- 384 / 307
Email -
Download and submit all Applications over the counters in the Revenue Division of the Town Hall.
Please do not send Applications by Post.