On a request made by the Commanding Officer, SLAF Station Colombo, the mobile library unit of Public Library Colombo extended their service to Guwanpura Married Quarters Complex on Saturday 24th February.
Memberships for Children and Adults were given for the period of Two Years. The lending facility was made available inside an AC coach fabricated as a mobile library.
Once in two weeks this mobile unit will visit Guwanpura Welfare Shop premises car park by 1400hrs. Those who wish to collect new books or return borrowed books can do so at this time. Any special interested books could be demanded and the library staff will arrange the same on their next visit.
The concept and event coordination was done by Squadron Leader P Godage and the Regiment Staff of No.28 Regiment Wing SLAF Station Colombo. The Chief librarian of Public Library, Officers and Other Ranks with their children were present.